Aldiantoro Nugroho on Random Stuff
2004 - 2024
Nov 29, 2007

Simplicity Rules

I always love simplicity and usability. I prefer gnome over KDE for simplicity reason … and sentimental reason :P I’m a big gnome fans since gnome 1.4 :D I use [epiphany]( as my main browser. [Firefox]( is used when I need to check my web design using [Web Developer]( addons.

So, when it comes to opitimize my desktop, simplicity and usability are my main concerns. I use [Avant Window Navigator]( to manage my applications I’m using. This kind of dock is one of things I like from OSX. I use simple but beautiful wallpaper. I remove icons from my menubar, so it only has text in it.

Enough talking, I have to go. Enjoy my desktop screenshot, and have a nice day.
